
This plugin has a somewhat high CodeRisk RIPS Score

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I was just browsing their plugin scores today and going through many of the plugins I use on most of the sites I manage and noticed that 404-to-301 has a score of 58/100 which is actually somewhat high (most other plugins I use have a score less than 10- many being at 0).

Here is the "report":

I use quotes on "report" because it really doesn't give any additional information (probably because they want to avoid exploits as well as sell their software), but I wanted to pass the word along.

Edit: It looks like additional information is available after registering as a maintainer on their site.

Could this be looked into for future updates to make the plugin a bit more secure? Appreciate your work, thanks!

Hi @chrisblakley,

Thanks for the info. I have no idea how they are calculating this risk score. I have registered as a maintainer and they asked me to verify ownership by inserting a hidden link. But still, the verification is not working.

I tried verifying one of my old plugins and it did work, but took about half a day to do so.

My plugin had a RIPS score of 78/100 and when I got into the tool there were 4 issues. 1 was a false positive, 2 were just output warnings (which were admin-only), and it did find 1 XSS vulnerability.

Contacted directly and fixed all those false positive items 👍 And the scores updated.