
Do we need to modify our code if we are prefering BACnet port as TCP over UDP?

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Hi @JoelBender,

BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networks) can work over both UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). The default port for BACnet is often associated with UDP, which is UDP port 47808. However, BACnet can also operate over TCP/IP, using port 47808 as the default for TCP communication.

So, do we need to make any specific changes in our bacpypes code for this? I checked the code from my end, and I do not see any need to change but, I still want to confirm this from you before performing any experiments.

The code uses port over here:

address_with_port = <addr and port.>
local_address = Address(address_with_port)

I am looking forward to your comments on this. Please let me know.


If you want to run your bacpypes application on a unique port other than UDP 47808 look at the documentation where you can update your BACpypes.ini file in CIDR notation. See this link for an example: