
GitHub Actions

Opened this issue · 3 comments

GitHub Actions Status

Implement CI workflow with GitHub Actions


  • Windows (MSVC)
  • Linux (GCC, Clang)
  • Mac (AppleClang)


  • Compile and run examples
    • Compile examples (#5)
    • Run examples (#6)
  • Compile and run tests (CTest) (#5)
  • Run static analysis (clang-tidy, cppcheck?)
  • Integrate sanitizers for tests and examples

Re-adding this to the v1.0 milestone, because Address, Thread and UB sanitizer are very important in this application.

(Especially since there's already UB in the queue implementation)

Clap! This project is alive again! Are you intend to make TDP an alternative of intel TBB's pipeline module ?

Hello @XIE-Yao!

I can't guarantee the project is alive like in the initial development, as life comes in the way, and we end up prioritizing other stuff... It's been in maintenance mode, only fixing new issues, without implementing the new ones I wanted to do.

But what features would you like to see from the TBB pipeline module? Except for the max_number_of_live_tokens, I can't see anything else that TDP doesn't already do!

(If you would like a specific feature, you can open an issue and we'll discuss that)