
Setting up in VPC with load balancer in front

mfrye opened this issue · 2 comments

mfrye commented

Thanks for creating this project. It seems to work pretty well locally, and I'm trying to test it out in my VPC in AWS now.

I think I'm close... I have it running in ECS, with a ALB pointing to a target group, and I'm able to hit it directly via curl (it returns a 400). I have the LOCAL_NETWORK set to the subnet cidr, in my case

It seems to just time out when trying to call it as a proxy though. Any thoughts?

This returns 400: curl []
This times out: curl -x [] -v

My hypothesis is it has something to do with having a load balancer in front of ECS. Not sure though...

I thinks this is the same issue #44. At this moment I have no idea. Probably a miss configuration at privoxy side that needs to be fixed.

The reason for this issue is indeed the privoxy config. You have the default listen-address (see here)
You would need to change that into listen-address :8118 to enable privoxy to accept traffic from any source IP and not only localhost (in this case the Docker host).
HOWEVER, this leads to an open proxy hanging publicly in the internet without user authorization. There are scanners out there who will recognize and people who will abuse it.