
Container doesn't establish vpn connection

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Hello Guys,

I'm building a VPS server with a plex container where i'm trying to set a nordvpn connection
I use this image to bypass the port forwarding feature (not used by nordvpn).
After many atemps I still get the same IP adress on my plex container. Tested with this command curl

The Nordvpn-proxy container was created with the following instructions :

docker run -d \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--name=vpn \
--dns= \
--dns= \
--restart=always \
-e "USERNAME=<>" \
-e "PASSWORD=<mypassword>" \
-e "LOCAL_NETWORK=" \   #IP retrieved from  docker0  network settings
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v ovpn-data:/app/ovpn/config \
-p 32400:32400 \     #plex port

Then, the plex one :

version: '3.3'
        network_mode: 'container:vpn'
        container_name: plexvpn
            - TZ=Europe/Paris
            - PLEX_CLAIM=my_claim_code
            - 'ADVERTISE_IP='
            - '/plex/database:/config'
            - '/plex/transcode:/transcode'
            - '/plex/media:/data'
        image: linuxserver/plex

The NordVPn-proxy process :
d24c9f737163 jeroenslot/nordvpn-proxy:latest "runsvdir /app" 14 hours ago Up 14 hours (unhealthy) 8118/tcp,>32400/tcp, :::32400->32400/tcp vpn

In fact I don't know if the vpn container is really connected to nordvpn servers and I don't how to see it

Can someone help me with this problem please ?

Try it with the full container name visible with docker ps.
I named my container nordvpn-de, but in docker ps i see nordvpn-de_nordvpn-de_1
so i used network_mode: "container:nordvpn-de_nordvpn-de_1"

maybe it´ s network_mode: "container:vpn_vpn_1" for you