
MPP data missing from OpenSlideReader

himekifee opened this issue · 1 comments

  • wsic version: 0.7
  • Python version: 3.10.9
  • Operating System: ArchLinux


When trying to create a pyramid TIFF image from a single-level tiff image, MPP got lost in the output TIFF file.

What I Did

wsic convert -i in.tiff -o test_out.tiff -rt 4096 4096 -w 20 --no-ome --overwrite -to 180 -c jpeg -d 2 -d 4 -d 8


I debugged a bit and found out this function call caused the error. Inside ppu2mpp function, the actual unit passed was "centimeter" instead of "cm" according to openslide standard. After adding "centimeter": 1e4, to L238, the output got corrected.

This should be fixed but the linked PR now