
Address/reduce overlapping map node text.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Suggestion by ReiRei

ReiRei: Possibly change font / atlas size to avoid overlapping of map names (especially unique maps and regular):
Maybe have the text name smaller and only getting bigger when it's moused over, or stretch out the atlas so there's more space between the maps themselves.
Making the default font size smaller or disabling names on initial startup might help the aesthetics of the website on first impression.

@John-Paul-R: -> I agree, something needs to be done about the 1st impressions of the site.
-> "Making the default font size smaller or disabling names on initial startup"...
-> are both things that I've been heavily considering for a while. Just haven't come
-> to a decision yet.
-> Having the text scale independently from the map node itself when hovered is an
-> interesting idea that I didn't think to try. I'll test it out sometime soon
-> to see how it looks.

Changed default node and node text scale to address this in 3b617eb.