
Files and installation script for the Radxa Zero 3w to run as an openipc groundstation.


  1. Setup env on Ubuntu 20.04 for rsdk by running these commands:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git npm qemu-user-static binfmt-support curl -y
    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
    # Reboot for the above command to take affect
    sudo reboot
  2. Setup rsdk:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
    cd rsdk
    npm install @devcontainers/cli
    export PATH="$PWD/src/bin:$PWD/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
  3. Create an overlays directory

    mkdir overlays
    cd overlays
  4. Clone Radxa Image build script

    git clone
    #Move back to the rsdk root folder
    cd ..
  5. Modify the file src/share/rsdk/build/rootfs.jsonnet to run script during image build. Include the following lines inside the customize-hooks section

    'cp -r "overlays/zero3w-gs" "$1/"',
    'chroot "$1" chmod +x /zero3w-gs/',
    'chroot "$1" sh -c "cd /zero3w-gs && ./"',

customize-hooks section should now look like this:

        'echo "	%(product)s" >> "$1/etc/hosts"' % { product: product },
        'cp "%(output_dir)s/config.yaml" "$1/etc/rsdk/"' % { output_dir: output_dir },
        'echo "FINGERPRINT_VERSION=\'2\'" > "$1/etc/radxa_image_fingerprint"',
        'echo "RSDK_BUILD_DATE=\'$(date -R)\'" >> "$1/etc/radxa_image_fingerprint"',
        'echo "RSDK_REVISION=\'%(rsdk_rev)s\'" >> "$1/etc/radxa_image_fingerprint"' % { rsdk_rev: rsdk_rev },
        'echo "RSDK_CONFIG=\'/etc/rsdk/config.yaml\'" >> "$1/etc/radxa_image_fingerprint"',
        'chroot "$1" update-initramfs -cvk all',
        'chroot "$1" u-boot-update',
        'cp -r "overlays/zero3w-gs" "$1/"',
        'chroot "$1" chmod +x /zero3w-gs/',
        'chroot "$1" sh -c "cd /zero3w-gs && ./"',
            mkdir -p "%(output_dir)s/seed"
            cp "$1/etc/radxa_image_fingerprint" "%(output_dir)s/seed"
            cp "$1/etc/rsdk/"* "%(output_dir)s/seed"
            tar Jvcf "%(output_dir)s/seed.tar.xz" -C "%(output_dir)s/seed" .
            rm -rf "%(output_dir)s/seed"
        ||| % { output_dir: output_dir },
  1. Now you can follow the steps to start the devcontainer and build the image
    rsdk devcon up
    rsdk devcon
    rsdk shell
    rsdk build radxa-zero3 bullseye cli

The script will do the following:

  • update, upgrade, and install some packages with apt
  • setup the /config directory where the user settings and scripts are stored
  • setup openipc systemd streaming service
  • install a media server for dvr
  • install wi-fi drivers
  • install wfb-ng
  • install PixelPilot
  • configure hotplugging of wfb-nics