
Possible array replacement issue

snddns opened this issue · 2 comments

In oK:

  test: 6 3 # 30 34 77 61 70 36 12 97 92 99 45 83 94 8 97 52 66 24
(30 34 77
 61 70 36
 12 97 92
 99 45 83
 94 8 97
 52 66 24)

  test[0 5;0 2]:2 2 # 1 2 3 4
 61 70 36
 99 45 83
 94 8 97

But I get the expected behavior here (with less pretty printing):

KDB+ 3.4 2016.10.10 Copyright (C) 1993-2016 Kx Systems
l32/ 4()core 7884MB snd snd NONEXPIRE

  test: 6 3 # 30 34 77 61 70 36 12 97 92 99 45 83 94 8 97 52 66 24
(30 34 77;61 70 36;12 97 92;99 45 83;94 8 97;52 66 24)

  test[0 5;0 2]:2 2 # 1 2 3 4
(1 34 2;61 70 36;12 97 92;99 45 83;94 8 97;3 66 4)

In k6, this type of "spread assignment" doesn't appear to work at all:

2016.12.02 (c) arthur whitney
 test: 6 3 # 30 34 77 61 70 36 12 97 92 99 45 83 94 8 97 52 66 24
 test[0 5;0 2]:2 2 # 1 2 3 4
test[0 5;0 2]:2 2 # 1 2 3 4
parse error

However, it did work in k5 as you expect:

2015.04.05 (c) arthur whitney
 test: 6 3 # 30 34 77 61 70 36 12 97 92 99 45 83 94 8 97 52 66 24
 test[0 5;0 2]:2 2 # 1 2 3 4
(1 34 2;61 70 36;12 97 92;99 45 83;94 8 97;3 66 4)

I think the k5/k4 behavior is clearly more useful. Lots of fiddly details to this sort of thing.

Ah, okay, thanks. That confused me for a bit; thought it should work. Trying to keep all of the differences straight.

Just realized it would be easier if I had a copy of the k5 and k6 interpreters. I should ask Arthur Whitney at some point.