
This project demonstrates the implementation of UI controls using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern with React and MobX.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

MobX MVVM Example Project

This project demonstrates the implementation of UI controls using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern with React and MobX. The project includes two types of controls: a button control with configurable buttons on either side of a text input, and an autocomplete control that fetches country data based on user input.

Project Structure

  • src/api/: Contains the API service and mock data (apiService.ts, countries.json).
  • src/components/: Contains the React components that serve as the View in the MVVM architecture, divided into ButtonControl and Autocomplete folders, each containing TypeScript and CSS files for the respective components.
  • src/App.tsx: The main component that combines the different controls for testing and demonstration.
  • src/App.css: Contains the global styles for the main application.


Button Control

A configurable text input control that allows buttons to be placed on either side of the input field. The buttons can trigger different actions, such as clearing the text, setting a predefined value, or validating the input.

Example Scenarios:

  • Control with 2 buttons on the right:

    • First button clears the input.
    • Second button sets the input text to "Hello world!".
  • Control with 1 button on the left and 1 button on the right:

    • Left button checks if the input is a number and displays it in an alert if valid.
    • Right button shows an alert with the current input text.

Autocomplete Control

A text input control that displays suggestions based on user input. The suggestions include the name, full name, and flag of countries. The control uses a mock API (getCountryByName) to fetch country data.

Example Scenarios:

  • Autocomplete with a maximum of 3 suggestions.
  • Autocomplete with a maximum of 10 suggestions.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/johnimril/mobx-mvvm-example.git
    cd mobx-mvvm-example
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm start

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Project Structure

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • MobX: A state management library that simplifies the management of application state.
  • TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that provides type safety.

MVVM Architecture

  • Model: The apiService.ts file acts as the model, fetching and returning data to the ViewModel.
  • ViewModel: The ButtonControl.vm.ts and Autocomplete.vm.ts files handle the business logic and state management.
  • View: The React components in the components/ folder serve as the View, rendering the UI based on the state and logic provided by the ViewModel.