
A simple Django project demonstrating use of RabbitMQ communicating between Django APIs...

Primary LanguagePython


A simpleproject where quotes created at the Quotes project are passed as messages using RabbitMQ and appropiate operations done on them at the receiving end, the Likes project.

The Home project is used to demonstarate how to use the two APIs in a single web page.

Running the project...

The Quotes project

Cd into Quotes

Run python manage.py makemigrations

Run python manage.py migrate

Run python manage.py createsuperuser

Run python consumer.py

The Likes project

Cd into Likes

Run python manage.py makemigrations

Run python manage.py migrate

Run python manage.py createsuperuser.Create a superuser similar to the one above.

Run python consumer.py


Make sure you have RabbitMQ and pika installed.

Start the server by running sudo service rabbitmq-server start if on linux

There are also instructions for Windows and Mac users.

Create edit or delete quotes on Quotes project and similar opertaions happen at the Likes project.

The Home project

Run python manage.py makemigrations

Run python manage.py migrate

Run python manage.py runserver