Lights Do Not Show Category with Large Installation (sunrise/sunset work)
edwardthev opened this issue · 1 comments
John -
This error only started showing up with a larger installation of 100 airports, no errors on the smaller installation of 40 airports. I'm getting the error, "get_metars:():502: get_metars EX:<urlopen error getrandom() initialization failed. (_ssl.c:720)>" 100s of times in the log.
The map displays the Night_lights with sunrise and sunset properly, but when it's no longer night or twilight, the stations are marked invalid and LEDs turned off.
John -
I've corrected the problem that appears to be a known error with entropy not having enough overhead with the random generator.
First: I added a sleep to the crontab
"@reboot sleep 90 python3 /home/pi/categorical-sectional/ &"
Secondly: I installed rng-tools. If I may be so bold as to suggest you add the following shell to the installer script?
sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y; sudo apt-get install rng-tools -y
After it's installed, the config file in /etc/default/rng-tools
needs the line HRNGDEVICE=/dev/hwrng
Then, of course, the service needs enabled and started
systemctl enable rng-tools
systemctl start rng-tools
After that, a reboot will allow the Pi0 to handle the processing of (at least) 100 airports. I hope that's helpful.