
Docker commands not opening jupyter notebooks localhost:8888

tandon-aman opened this issue · 1 comments


Steps to Reproduce

1.docker pull johnsnowlabs/spark-nlp-workshop
2.docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 4040:4040 johnsnowlabs/spark-nlp-workshop
3. http://localhost:8888/?token=LOOK_INSIDE_YOUR_CONSOLE

Your Environment

  • Spark-NLP version: 1.7.2
  • Apache Spark version: 2.3.2
  • Operating System and version: WIndows 10
  • Deployment (Docker, Jupyter, Scala, pip, conda, etc.): Docker

I hope versions are irrelevant as I am using Docker image of workshop so it should start the Jupyter notebooks bit it is not starting any.

Hi @tandon-aman,
The versions inside Docker is as follow:
Spark NLP 2.0.1
Apache Spark 2.4.0

As you mentioned the Docker should work without any conflict with your local libraries.

Could you please be more specific about not “starting any”:

  • Do you see any error?
  • This is for sure a Docker issue on your Windows 10. Do you have other dockers running without problem or did you just install Docker for this use case?
  • Do you already have Jupyter or other services listening to those ports? (8888, 4040)