Verbose prints the underlying error
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Deleted user commented
Errors are currently being masked.
@discardableResult internal func perform<T>(_ expression: @autoclosure () throws -> T, orThrow errorExpression: @autoclosure () -> Error) throws -> T {
do {
return try expression()
} catch {
throw errorExpression()
As you're no doubt aware: The above code facilitates error erasure like so.
let file = try perform(FileSystem().createFile(at: path, contents: data), orThrow: Error.failedToCreateFile(path))
The message for this error will state "Failed to create script"
but the underlying reason for the failure, is lost.
public var message: String {
switch self {
case .missingName:
return "No script name given"
case .failedToCreateFile(let name):
return "Failed to create script file named '\(name)'"
With Pull 40 we may be able to bubble up the underlying error at key areas like this that show only for the --verbose command.
Would you be interested in taking Marathon in that direction?
Deleted user commented
At the moment it looks like verbose is used exclusively for shell specific tasks.
@discardableResult internal func shellOut(to command: String,
in folder: Folder = Folder.current,
printer: Printer) throws -> String {
do {
printer.verboseOutput("$ cd \"\(folder.path)\" && \(command)")
let output = try shellOut(to: command, at: folder.path)
return output
} catch {
let error = (error as? ShellOutError).require()
if !error.output.isEmpty {
throw error