Variables, Constants, and Arrays in Swift


Variables are a way to give a name to a piece of data, so that it can be referenced in your code later on. Variables are made to vary, so that means they can change as the program progresses.


var myVariable = 9049876543 var typedVariable: String = “Hello Mars” Keyword label = data


A constant is a way to store data with a name however it will not change throughout the course of a program.


let myConstant = 9048689990 let typedVariable: String = “Hello Mars” Keyword label = data


Arrays are a collection of items.


var friends = [John, Darrell, Blake]

Keyword name = [data0, data1, data2]

Data Types

Int 23

Float 1.3

Double 3.141592653589

Bool true/false

String “xyz”

Array [1,2,3]

Dictionary [key: value]