
PropertyChangeEvent tracking fails for certain expressions

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 1 comments

In the WedgeStackChartExample change the RotateTransform in outerLabel from

<degrafa:RotateTransform registrationPoint="topRight"
angle="{(transposeLabel(outerWedgeLayout.currentReference) ? 180:0) + 1}"/>


<degrafa:RotateTransform registrationPoint="topRight"
angle="{(transposeLabel(outerWedgeLayout.currentReference) ? 180:0)}"/>

This will cause the property change tracking code in BaseLayout to not
catch an event for this property, and the last few labels will be
positioned incorrectly when they enter a state. This can be worked around
by adding an insignificant value to the result of the ternary expression.

Original issue reported on by on 8 Jul 2009 at 2:58

States no longer rely on tracking PropertyChangeEvents (thank God).

Original comment by on 4 Dec 2009 at 1:33

  • Changed state: Fixed