
Add support for Python 3.12

Closed this issue · 6 comments

See also #1587.

Would be great to make the Qt portable to python 3.12 :)

Qt GUI should be ported to Qt 6 first, there are problems with it since Python 3.10. #1376

Trying to get --develop -p python3.12 --without-qt working on Ubuntu 22.04 under WSL.

Currently stuck with:

$ ./ --develop -p python3.12 --without-qt
Directory jmvenv exists.  Remove and recreate? (y/N) y
Error: Command '['/home/user/git/joinmarket-clientserver/jmvenv/bin/python3.12', '-m', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Joinmarket Python virtual environment could not be setup. Exiting.

ensurepip is called by python3.12 -m venv /home/user/git/joinmarket-clientserver/jmvenv.

Tried, but only installing pip with works for me, but that doesn't fix anything.

Are others experiencing the same with Python 3.12? Pretty sure it's not related to running Ubuntu under WSL.

This currently seems to be the biggest issue regarding dependencies.

Are others experiencing the same with Python 3.12? Pretty sure it's not related to running Ubuntu under WSL.

I did manage install joinmarket with Python 12 on Alpine Linux 3.18 - tested directory node script which seem to work as expected.
I also tested --develop -without-qt with Python 3.12.3 installed via pyenv on Arch Linux: no issue encountered while installing.

Tests suite is now passing successfully. I shall create PR to reflect this: we are Python 12 compatible !