
BOUNTY: Build Web UI

testthewatter opened this issue Β· 34 comments

I'd like to offer up a bounty for someone to build a Web UI. See below for bounty amount, currently over .4btc.

This enhancement will allow JoinMarket to be included as an application for the more user friendly node packages such as Umbrel. As these node deployments are used by many convicted, but less technical bitcoiners, this enhancement should, in theory, increase the market size for CJ yield generation & raise the floor of privacy preservation across the network.

There are two people actively working on an extension to #670, which distinct from the existing proof of concept repo , is using react rather than Angular. That should appear on github shortly.

If anyone wants to collaborate on this I am willing to tackle this bounty.
I have expirence with React so this would be my preffered technology to work on this.

I could help with this, but guess first we need to wait on @AdamISZ mentioned extension to #670.

Would be it helpful to work out a design a figma interactive prototype to discuss the interface and experience before committing to code?

Would be it helpful to work out a design

That's a fair question. UX is an area where joinmarket can definitely be improved.

Furthermore, defining a minimum feature set for the Web UI would be helpful, especially wrt bounties. I guess wallet and taker functionality is a must (basically what Qt can do right now). What about maker functionality?

Many points of reference may be helpful. First, w.r.t. the idea of a feature set, that's a great idea, if someone does that you might find the list 1-10 in this gist a useful starting point(?):

Second, #670, which implemented a rudimentary JSON-RPC API, but didn't yet have any session management, shouldn't be a blocker to anyone nor the existing repo, in which there was a working implementiontation of unlock-view wallet-start and stop maker service and a couple other things. People can feel free to reuse them, build on them, ignore them, whatever works.

Third I want to shoutout at this point the "Summer of Bitcoin" participants @shobhitaa and @abhishek0405 who have started working on a new PoC implementation in React (they already have session management with JWT), using essentially the same backend as in #670. (I've been mentoring them). See and .

If anyone is interested in gory details, one thing that I think is tricky: implemented taker-side coinjoin (or indeed tumbler) seems a little bit trickier than any other feature to add, because of the server needing to "push" the outcome of the first round of communication with participants (the Taker callback filter_order_callback, which gets the client's acceptance of the join conditions). Websockets are one way to approach that, perhaps some other subscribe architecture, or perhaps something else.

On the more positive side, my original experiments suggest to me that pretty much everything else is not tricky (because the heavy lifting is already assumed to exist in the backend).

See #996

The Human Rights Foundation is providing an additional 25M sats to this bounty. We have setup a multisig address to hold bounty funds with myself, Ben Carman, and HRF holding a key.

Hash: SHA512



[deleted as duplicate, see above]

Here is my PGP signature of the address:

Hash: SHA512



Incredible. From those of us who have no clue how to build this: Thank you!

to be clear this is not an umbrel specific bounty, the result should be FOSS so other node projects can implement it as well

further clarification, result should have full functionality of joinmarket, including yield generation and payjoin

GBKS commented

Sounds very useful. I'd also recommend to flesh this out first in a design tool and then code, as @pedromvpg suggested.

Aded 3M sat bounty. Small request if possible: would be awesome if the webserver would be accesible through TOR.

As of b527bbb there is a documented OpenAPI/swagger API definition and auto-generated docs for it (mentioning here in case anyone was thinking of starting work on a client).

Merged #996 which should provide what is needed for a client-side developer, as per above, see OpenAPI spec in this yaml file, and read this for a summary of what is provided and how to use it.

As you can see from the latter, this is giving all the basic wallet, taker and maker functions. There are a number of extra functions not yet implemented, but, walk before run etc. etc.

nvk commented

Thank you.

2.5m sats added to the bounty. If someone starts working on this please let me know, myself and another developer want to help.

I'm trying a build a GUI for this but simple Python GET/POST requests is throwing 405 errors. Am I missing something silly?

Are you adding /api/v1 into the URLs? Can you give examples of the URLs you're sending to the backend? That's one of the most common ways you could end up with 405s.

You're right, I was missing api/v1. API calls works now.

First working version of my GUI is ready:

It's built using Python Flask and Bootstrap and has the following features:

  • create wallet
  • unlock wallet
  • show total balance
  • deposit funds
  • create and fund fidelity bond
  • start maker with custom conjoin fees
  • stop maker
  • lock wallet

There's a lot of work left, but this minimal GUI can get you started with generating yield.

PS: Thanks for fixing the timelockaddress() API @AdamISZ

Nice one @manasgandy!

FYI there are some people working on concepts and designs for the Web UI, as well as an implementation. For more information have a look at the JoinMarket Web UI Wiki.

The current plan is to build up on this prototype and package a first version of the Web UI for the RaspiBlitz, which is in the final testing phase now. See this PR: raspiblitz/raspiblitz#2747

It's an open group, so feel free to join us if you want to bounce around some ideas or combine forces! 😊

Thanks @dergigi

  • I appreciate the design efforts in Figma. I might take use them with proper credits.
  • I plan to launch via myNode and Umbrel since that's what I use.
  • I would love to participate in the discussion but I don't like Telegram since it asks for a phone number.
  • I would definitely need help of the JoinMarket developers since the backend also needs a lot of work.

Quick update: what started as the "JoinMarket Web UI" project above is now known as Jam and is live on Umbrel, Citadel, and Raspiblitz.

@modl21 and other supporter from the past

In behalf of, the still active, core team of JAM (Gigi is also part of) I would love to claim the blounty for the team so that we can discuss how to split or (hopefully) reinvest to develop further (as there is enough in the pipeline)

please get in touch with us or me

(hope it’s ok, first claim)

@editwentyone what is the best way to talk?

@benthecarman thanks, you can find me here:

nostr npub1llcej3uyrjzv2e6qruh72u5trxnk6lx963ksu0xs980n0leq230q2mjgwq
telegram @editwentyone

UPDATE: the team (@theborakompanioni, me and others) decided to donate the 0.5 BTC directly to and we hope that @dergigi can pick this up and talk directly to @benthecarman and @modl21 but also Alex from HRF.

we hope that this money can be of good use :)

modl21 commented

cheers, we will proceed with that

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