
ES6 JS utility function for calculating Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ES6 JS utility function for calculating Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).



For assigned 'Paired Values', one of the pair must be provided.

Parameter Defaults Paired Values Description Type Example
bwKG * Body weight in KGs. Number 77.11
bwLbs * Body weight in Lbs. Number 170
bhCM # Body height in CM. Number 180
bhFI # Body height in Feet/inches. Object {feet: f, inches: i} ex. {feet: 5, inches: 11}
age Age, bounded by 18-100. Number 30
gender 'f' Gender. Either 'm' or 'f'. String 'm'
equation 'MSJE' BMR Equation used. 'MSJE' = Mifflin-St Jeor Equation, 'RHBE' = Revised Harris-Benedict Equation String 'RHBE'
roundedDown false If the result should be rounded down or left exact boolean true


The calculated BMR value, or Null if malformed input.

Example Usage

import BMR from "./BMR.js"; // Be sure to setup your package.json

const bmr = BMR({ bwLbs: 170, bhFI: { feet: 5, inches: 11 }, age: 20, gender: "m", roundedDown: true, });

console.log(bmr); // 1803