Modern module to parse and stringify iCalendar to Javascript.
- Parse an
object from a BufferArray - Serialize to RFC 5545 ICS format from an
object - Deserialize from RFC 5545 ICS format to an
object - Convert from an
object to JSON - Convert from JSON to an
object - Provides an API to filter components of an
Using npm:
$ npm add icalendar.js
On Deno
import { ICalendar } from "npm:icalendar.js";
import { ICalendar } from "icalendar.js";
const res = await fetch("https:source/....ics");
const payload = await res.arrayBuffer();
const icalendar = ICalendar.from(payload);
icalendar.filterComponentsByRange(Date.UTC(2023, 2, 10), Date.UTC(2023, 2, 15));
Create a new ICalendar
object and write a ICS file.
import { ICalendar, VComponent, PropertyValue } from "icalendar.js";
import * as propertyTypes from "icalendar.js/property_types";
const calendar = ICalendar.create();
const event = new VComponent("VEVENT");
new PropertyValue(new propertyTypes.Text(`text`))
new PropertyValue(
new propertyTypes.Date({
fullYear: 2023,
month: 3,
monthDay: 12,
new PropertyValue(
new propertyTypes.Date({
fullYear: 2023,
month: 3,
monthDay: 13,
fs.writeFile("myfile.ics", iCalendar.toICS());
To serialize an ICalendar
object to JSON, you can use the JSON.stringify(icalendar)
method. This will convert the ICalendar object into a JSON string, which can be stored or sent over a network.
To deserialize an ICalendar object from a JSON string, you can first use the JSON.parse(payload)
method to convert the JSON string into a JavaScript object. Then, you can create a new ICalendar
object from the JavaScript object using the static ICalendar.fromJSON(object)
This way, iCalendar.js enables bidirectional conversion between ICalendar
objects and JSON, which can be useful for storage, transfer, and manipulation of data.
Sample Load:
import { ICalendar } from "icalendar.js";
const location = new URL("sample.ics", import.meta.url);
const payload = await readFile(location);
const icalendar = ICalendar.from(payload);
// =>
// ICalendar
// kind: 'VCALENDAR',
// properties: Map(9) {
// 'VERSION' => PropertyValue { value: '2.0', parameters: Map(0) {} },
// 'PRODID' => PropertyValue {
// value: '-//Office Holidays Ltd.//EN',
// parameters: Map(0) {}
// },
// 'X-WR-CALNAME' => PropertyValue {
// value: 'International Holidays',
// parameters: Map(0) {}
// },
// 'X-WR-CALDESC' => PropertyValue {
// value: 'Public Holidays in International. Provided by',
// parameters: Map(0) {}
// },
// 'REFRESH-INTERVAL' => PropertyValue {
// value: 'PT48H',
// parameters: Map(1) { 'VALUE' => 'DURATION' }
// },
// ...
Kind Allows:
- Module
- PropertyParameter
- PropertyParameterName
- PropertyParameterValue
- AltRepParam
- AltRepParamName
- AltRepParamValue
Sample Parser:
const payload = new TextEncoder().encode(
"" +
`DESCRIPTION;ALTREP="":The Fall'98 Wild Wizards\n` +
` Conference - - Las Vegas, NV, USA\n`
const tokens = Lexer.from(payload);
const ast = AST.from(tokens);
// =>
// {
// kind: 'Module',
// span: { start: 0, end: 100 },
// nodes: [
// {
// kind: 'PropertyParameter',
// span: { start: 0, end: 99 },
// name: {
// kind: 'PropertyParameterName',
// span: { start: 0, end: 11 },
// value: 'DESCRIPTION'
// },
// value: {
// kind: 'PropertyParameterValue',
// span: { start: 40, end: 99 },
// value: "The Fall'98 Wild Wizards Conference - - Las Vegas, NV, USA"
// },
// altRepNodes: [
// {
// kind: 'AltRepParam',
// ...
Token allows:
- colon
- equal
- keyword
- newline
- semicolon
- string
- string_multiline
Sample tokenizer:
import { Lexer } from "icalendar.js/lexer";
const payload = new TextEncoder().encode(
"" +
`DESCRIPTION;ALTREP="":The Fall'98 Wild Wizards\n` +
` Conference - - Las Vegas, NV, USA\n`
const tokens = Lexer.from(payload);
// =>
// [
// {
// kind: 'keyword',
// span: { start: 0, end: 11 },
// raw: Uint8Array(11) [
// 68, 69, 83, 67, 82,
// 73, 80, 84, 73, 79,
// 78
// ],
// value: 'DESCRIPTION'
// },
// {
// kind: 'semicolon',
// span: { start: 11, end: 12 },
// raw: Uint8Array(1) [ 59 ]
// },
// {
// kind: 'keyword',
// span: { start: 12, end: 18 },
// raw: Uint8Array(6) [ 65, 76, 84, 82, 69, 80 ],
// value: 'ALTREP'
// },
// ...
Look this full sample