
Unable to install

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tried to install adb-foreach with npm, but upon running adb-foreach, I get this error:

npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/igorganapolsky/workspace/experimental/test2/MyApp_Android/distribution/apk-Beta-debug/package.json'
npm WARN apk-Beta-debug No description
npm WARN apk-Beta-debug No repository field.
npm WARN apk-Beta-debug No README data
npm WARN apk-Beta-debug No license field.

Please advise,


How are you running it?
I would do npm install -g adb-foreach
And then the adb-foreach command is now in your path. So you can run adb-foreach get-state or other commands.

@Jonahss @changetip $1. Thank you for this tool.

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wow thanks!