
Could Not Be Compiled

RAPrograms opened this issue · 5 comments

I am relatively new to making games in unreal, so when I encountered this error on UR 5 I thought it was just because its a preview thing and tried it on UR 4.27.2 same thing and I have no clue how to fix this


after pressing yes


I have the Same issue

Had the same issue. Found clues on YouTube of all places...

  1. Install Visual Studio 2019 or later (I used 2019 Community Edition).
  2. During VS 2019 install you need to install some very specific packages, follow these instructions from the Unreal Engine documentation (link is for 5.1)
  3. Open your project and you should be able to rebuild now. Wait patiently after clicking "rebuild". Unreal may seem unresponsive but it's doing its thing.
niv-e commented

same for me,
I tried to build it manually and I got the following error.
Does someone have any idea how to solve this issue?

warning C4996: 'USkinnedMeshComponent::SkeletalMesh': Replaced by SkinnedAsset. Use GetSkinnedAsset()/SetSkinnedAsset() instead, or GetSkeletalMeshAsset/SetSkeletalMeshAsset() when called from a USkeletalMeshComponent. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile

kjduling made some recent changes that should fix it for compiling in 5.3. Closing this issue.