
Error in 1:maxrows

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hey hey,

I am a student willing to dig deeper into the topic of sentiment & content analysis and did not want to rely solely on public data so first of all: A big thank you from my side for the InstaCrawlR!

However, I get an error message when ultimately executing extractInfo(index) which you can see here:

[1] "extractInfo function called"
Error in 1:maxrows : argument of length 0

Has someone got a clue what the reason could be? I have tried to follow your guide, also analysing bmwi8 hashtag, still got the error message :(

See my script for further details :) thank you!


ETWZ commented

I am having a similar issue, it says :
[1] "extractInfo function called"
Error in nrow(posts) : object 'posts' not found

I have the same issue, but it's even more weird because I was just re-running the code. I tried to re-do the process and got that error
> extractInfo(index) [1] "extractInfo function called" Error in 1:maxrows : argument of length 0

Any info here?

same issue
[1] "extractInfo function called"
Error in nrow(posts) : object 'posts' not found

I had same issue:
[1] "extractInfo function called"
Error in nrow(posts) : object 'posts' not found

the problem was the curl package was not installed.

In Ubuntu type this in terminal:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

and then type in RStuido console install.packages('curl')

and add library(curl)

That solved my problem

Same issue and, unfortunately, updating the curl library did not solve it. But i did notice that it only happens to some hashtags and not others.