
tblgen for "" failed

yaozhongxiao opened this issue · 0 comments

hi, @Jonathan2251:

When I tried to generate the "" with tablegen(LLVM -gen-emitter), It failed with the following message.

lib/Target/Cpu0/ error: No operand named addr in record JSUB
def JSUB    : JumpLink<0x3b, "jsub">;
note: Dumping record for previous error:
much more messages ...

Finally, I found the "FJ" in "" has defined "bits<24> addr;" field,
however, the "class JumpLink" adopt the "$target" as follows.

 let isCall=1, hasDelaySlot=1 in {
   //@JumpLink {
   class JumpLink<bits<8> op, string instr_asm>:
-    FJ<op, (outs), (ins calltarget:$target, variable_ops),
-       !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$target"), [(Cpu0JmpLink imm:$target)],
        IIBranch> {
 //#if CH >= CH10_1 2
        let DecoderMethod = "DecodeJumpTarget";

class FJ<bits<8> op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern,
         InstrItinClass itin>: Cpu0Inst<outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin, FrmJ>
  bits<24> addr;

  let Opcode = op;

  let Inst{23-0} = addr;

After replacing the "$target" to "$addr", tblgen build successfully.

 let isCall=1, hasDelaySlot=1 in {
   //@JumpLink {
   class JumpLink<bits<8> op, string instr_asm>:
-    FJ<op, (outs), (ins calltarget:$target, variable_ops),
-       !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$target"), [(Cpu0JmpLink imm:$target)],
+    FJ<op, (outs), (ins calltarget:$addr, variable_ops),
+       !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$addr"), [(Cpu0JmpLink imm:$addr)],
        IIBranch> {
 //#if CH >= CH10_1 2
        let DecoderMethod = "DecodeJumpTarget";

Have you found this issue, or it's just a regression from the llvm project's evolution?