Function torch.onnx.symbolic_helper._onnx_unsupported()
f1am3d opened this issue · 11 comments
Getting this error on the step python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\repos\bark\", line 6, in <module>
from bark_infinity import config
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\repos\bark\bark_infinity\", line 1, in <module>
from .api import generate_audio, text_to_semantic, semantic_to_waveform, save_as_prompt
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\repos\bark\bark_infinity\", line 14, in <module>
from .generation import get_SUNO_USE_DIRECTML
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\repos\bark\bark_infinity\", line 7, in <module>
from encodec import EncodecModel
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\encodec\", line 12, in <module>
from .model import EncodecModel
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\encodec\", line 14, in <module>
import torch
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 1239, in <module>
from torch import onnx as onnx
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\torch\onnx\", line 12, in <module>
from . import ( # usort:skip. Keep the order instead of sorting lexicographically
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\torch\onnx\", line 4, in <module>
from torch.onnx import symbolic_helper, symbolic_opset9 as opset9
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\torch\onnx\", line 611, in <module>
def _onnx_unsupported(op_name: str, value: Optional[_C.Value] = None) -> NoReturn:
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\", line 77, in beartype
return beartype_object(obj, conf)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\", line 98, in beartype_object
_beartype_object_fatal(obj, conf=conf, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\", line 147, in _beartype_object_fatal
beartype_nontype(obj, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\", line 178, in beartype_nontype
return beartype_func(obj, **kwargs) # type: ignore[return-value]
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\", line 242, in beartype_func
func_wrapper_code = generate_code(bear_call)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\wrap\", line 187, in generate_code
code_check_return = _code_check_return(bear_call)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\wrap\", line 669, in _code_check_return
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\error\", line 214, in reraise_exception_placeholder
raise exception.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\wrap\", line 618, in _code_check_return
) = make_func_wrapper_code(hint_sane, bear_call.conf, cls_stack) # type: ignore[assignment]
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\cache\", line 259, in _callable_cached
raise exception
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\cache\", line 251, in _callable_cached
return_value = args_flat_to_return_value[args_flat] = func(
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_decor\wrap\", line 86, in make_func_wrapper_code
) = make_check_expr(hint, conf, cls_stack)
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\cache\", line 259, in _callable_cached
raise exception
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\cache\", line 251, in _callable_cached
return_value = args_flat_to_return_value[args_flat] = func(
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_check\code\", line 706, in make_check_expr
File "C:\Users\f1am3d\miniconda3\envs\pydml_torch2\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\hint\pep\", line 205, in die_if_hint_pep_unsupported
raise BeartypeDecorHintPep484Exception(
beartype.roar.BeartypeDecorHintPep484Exception: Function torch.onnx.symbolic_helper._onnx_unsupported() return PEP 484 type hint "typing.NoReturn" invalid in this type hint context (i.e., "typing.NoReturn" valid only as non-nested return annotation).
OS: Windows 11
GPU: Radeon 7900 XTX
same here😥
Same error
OS: Windows 10
GPU: RTX 3080 Mobile
Same here.
Windows 10
RTX 3090
How did everyone install Bark?
I ran the INSTALL_bark_infinity_windows.bat file, and the installation appeared to be successful (no errors popped up). However, I encounter this error when I run the launch file. I have also installed various things like Python, PyTorch, and NumPy for other program(with pip in global). I'm wondering if there might be a conflict.
I'll check it out Tuesday afternoon, didn't get a chance tonight. Enough people all having the same problem, must be something changed recently.
How did everyone install Bark?
Following these steps:
And after the first unsuccessful attempt, these steps:
I ran the 'INSTALL_BARK_INFINITY' (this seems to be an updated name from the docs).
Then type pip install beartype>=0.16.1 --upgrade
After it finishes, close that window, and open the GUI or command line again and I think it should work.
If not, try also typing pip list
and see what version it says next to beartype
, if it's not version 0.16.1.
upgrading beartype to 0.16.1 did the trick! Thanks so much Jonathan!
Ok closing for now. I think we're past the age of beartype troubles.