
Where is Word2VecExtended?

Opened this issue · 9 comments

from word2vec_extended import Word2VecExtended

Sorry about that. I'm gonna release that part soon (or at least include here, silly me). There isn't much to this class since it's a wrapper around gensim's Language Model class Word2vec that adds some useful convenience functions for training:

      #=> int index
      #=> Word2Vec word

Those show up in the "create_job" method of PVDM. I'm gonna try to reduce the dependencies of this package to make it easier to use.

there is still no word2vec_extended,so I can run the code successfully.

I've found the module at but there's no installation instructions on either that module or this one. Am I missing something?

where is word2vec_extended???

but i can't find vcvarsall.bat in pvdm.inner

Sorry about that. I'm gonna release that part soon (or at least include here, silly me). There isn't much to this class since it's a wrapper around gensim's Language Model class Word2vec that adds some useful convenience functions for training:

      #=> int index
      #=> Word2Vec word

Those show up in the "create_job" method of PVDM. I'm gonna try to reduce the dependencies of this package to make it easier to use.

still have this dependencies, so i cannot run it successfully. could you release it ? thx

Kind of a shame that repo does not exist anymore, so we cant even manually fix the problem

Hi @JonathanRaiman would be great if you can update the repository so it can be usable. Nice stuff by the way.


Hi @JonathanRaiman would be appreciate if you cant tell how to resolve the problem of "lacking word2vecExtented".