
Camera Coordinate System

luoxue-star opened this issue · 2 comments

Is the definition of the camera coordinate system in train_meta.json the same as that in Blender?

My code uses the OpenCV camera co-ordinate system (same as COLMAP).

This is different to the blender / standard NeRF camera coordinate system.

The conversion code between the two can be found here:

My code uses the OpenCV camera co-ordinate system (same as COLMAP).

This is different to the blender / standard NeRF camera coordinate system.

The conversion code between the two can be found here:

Hi, thanks for your nice work! As you said above, you are using COLMAPs Coordinate system. What I don't understand is what is the function of opengl_proj, why not use ProjectionMatrix same as the original 3D gaussian splatting?