Project : Top-K Query Processing


Implement a Top-K Query Processing with python.

Problem Specification

  • Each object X has m scores, one for each of m attributes.
  • Objects are listed, for each attribute sorted by score.
  • Each object is assigned an overall score by combining the attribute score using aggregate function or combining rule
  • Therefore, Determine k objects with the hightes overall score.

1. Implement Naive Algorithm.(Already implemented.)

  • Compute averall score for every object by looking into each sorted list.

2. Fagin's Algorithm

  • Sequentially access all the sorted lists in parallel until there are k objects that have been seen in all lists.
  • Perform random accesses to obtain the scores of all seen objects.

3. Threshold Algorithm

  • Access the elements sequentially
  • At each sequential access, set the threshold t to be the aggregate of the scores seen in this access.
  • Do random accesses and compute the scores of the seen objects.
  • Maintain a list of top-k objects seen so far.
  • Stop, when the scores of the top-k are greater or equal to the threshold.

4. No Random Access Algorithm

  • Access sequentially all lists in parallel until there are k objects for which the lower bound is higher than the upper bound of all other objects.
  • Return top-k objects for which the lower bound is greatre than or equal to the upper bound of all other objects.


  • In this Project, calculate the cnt_access is important that it shows the I/O times some extent.
  • I/O cost is very critical. So, we can compare the times between each algorithms.
  • It would takes a significant time to operate the testcases!!(Not wrong.)