
0.1.2 ERROR run failed: command exited (1)

ggymzz opened this issue · 19 comments

Describe the bug
18:08:57 - Starting compilation in watch mode...
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/hmr:build: cache miss, executing ad81c414348df793
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: cache miss, executing 5f3ab6c9256f24ad
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: ERROR: command finished with error: command (D:\xx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared) D:\xxx\nodejs\pnpm.cmd run clean exited (1)
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared#clean: command (D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared) D:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm.cmd run clean exited (1)

Tasks: 2 successful, 6 total
Cached: 0 cached, 6 total
Time: 5.19s
Failed: @chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared#clean

ERROR run failed: command exited (1)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. git clone
  2. pnpm i
  3. pnpm run dev-server and pnpm run dev
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Want to know how to run it successfully


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Window11]
  • Browser [chrome]
  • Node Version [v20.9.0]

Additional context

Thank you for your contribution. We will check and reply to you as soon as possible.

Try again, still can't run successfully~

19:12:45 - Starting compilation in watch mode...
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared.turbo\turbo-dev.log'] {
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: errno: -4048,
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: code: 'EPERM',
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: syscall: 'unlink',
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: path: 'D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared\.turbo\turbo-dev.log'
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: }
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: cache miss, executing 55cb5216b948be06
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/hmr:build: cache miss, executing 06a657e50839466e
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:clean: ERROR: command finished with error: command (D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared) D:\xProgram Files\nodejs\pnpm.cmd run clean exited (1)
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared#clean: command (D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared) D:\Program Files\nodejs\pnpm.cmd run clean exited (1)

Tasks: 2 successful, 6 total
Cached: 0 cached, 6 total
Time: 4.184s
Failed: @chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared#clean

ERROR run failed: command exited (1)


It looks like a permission error. Could you try as an administrator?

[Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\xxx\chrome-extension\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\shared.turbo\turbo-dev.log'

Hey, I tried to run them with administrator access, no change,

Similar issue when I run build command:

@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: > @chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils@0.0.1 clean C:\Users\armaa\OneDrive\Documents\periphery\Trend Tracker\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\dev-utils
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: > rimraf ./dist && rimraf ./build && rimraf .turbo
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:\Users\armaa\OneDrive\Documents\periphery\Trend Tracker\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\dev-utils\.turbo\turbo-build.log'] {
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:   errno: -4048,
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:   code: 'EPERM',
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:   syscall: 'unlink',
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:   path: 'C:\\Users\\armaa\\OneDrive\\Documents\\periphery\\Trend Tracker\\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\\packages\\dev-utils\\.turbo\\turbo-build.log'
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: }
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/shared:build: DTS Build start
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils:build: ERROR: command finished with error: command (C:\Users\armaa\OneDrive\Documents\periphery\Trend Tracker\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\dev-utils) C:\Users\armaa\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm.cmd run build exited (1)
@chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils#build: command (C:\Users\armaa\OneDrive\Documents\periphery\Trend Tracker\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\dev-utils) C:\Users\armaa\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm.cmd run build exited (1)

 Tasks:    12 successful, 15 total
Cached:    0 cached, 15 total
  Time:    16.9s 
Failed:    @chrome-extension-boilerplate/dev-utils#build

 ERROR  run failed: command  exited (1)
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Hey, I tried to run them with administrator access, no change,

Yes, the same goes for the highest system permissions

Following the same steps I faced the same issue


Following the same steps I faced the same issue

Is that the same os? windows?

Yes it is on Windows 11.
Also I am on node 18.15.0, if that helps

It may helpful... hmm....

Obviously, the error seems to be a permissions issue. I don't have a Windows machine right now, so it's hard to reproduce. :(

If the answers above don't help, try changing the following entries in your turbo.json file.

    "build": {
//    "dependsOn": ["clean", "^clean", "^build"],
      "dependsOn": ["^build"],
      "outputs": ["../../dist/**", "dist/**", "build/**"]

The answer came just in time

After continuous testing, it is necessary to do this in Windows11 to run normally, and those error prompts about permissions are not accurate.

  1. Remove "pnpm run clean" before all build commands
  2. Then run it again

@ggymzz running ~~

Despite trying all of the above solutions, restarting all vs code instances and running as administrator, removing the clean step as mentioned above, and restarting windows, It remains the same for me.

I am not sure if this is the case for others, but I am not able to delete the .turbo folder that is created, no matter what I do from the file explorer, it is never satisfied with the permissions which i give it.

Seems like a windows problem, I guess I'll install Linux now🫠

Despite trying all of the above solutions, restarting all vs code instances and running as administrator, removing the clean step as mentioned above, and restarting windows, It remains the same for me.

I am not sure if this is the case for others, but I am not able to delete the .turbo folder that is created, no matter what I do from the file explorer, it is never satisfied with the permissions which i give it.

Seems like a windows problem, I guess I'll install Linux now🫠

You can get rid of "pnpn run clean &&" because I think it's conflict occupied

Oh my, thanks so much @ggymzz and @Jonghakseo , I did remove 'pnpm run clean &&' before, but I miscalculated the sheer number of package.json's in the repo, after replacing all of them it works.

Thankyou guys, this is working for me after a pull.

Is it still require to run this as admin on Windows? any workaround?