
Doesn't support object context

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While hacking on an existing module, I thought it would be able nice to add an Ajax method to proxy an existing one, For example:

    public function getAjax()
            // Proxy an existing method, maybe used elsewhere, for Ajax.
    return $this->getFoo();

public function getFoo()
            // A whole bunch of code normally goes here for stuff written some time ago
    return 'foo;

But, this doesn't work as we'll get a Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context due to

We could check to see if that method is static, then call it like the following if not:

$helperClass = new $class; $results = call_user_func($helperClass . '->' . $method . 'Ajax');

But, this may have an issue if we don't pass any required parameters when instantiating the class.


I considered this before when I thought about making my methods non-static in my helper. But ended up not going for it because of the static requirement of the ajax component.

However it's a very valid point about the helper required params. I guess if we were to do it we'd just have to make the assumption there are none. I mean otherwise it's just impossible to achieve the feature.