
Describe the code

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From the slides:

The description should outline the data model you used for each data store
– e.g., how did you import/convert the Postgres data into the data store of your choice?
How did you change, aggregate, replicate, or transform the data for your chosen data
• The description should also briefly describe how you implemented each of the
service interfaces from a conceptual point of view
– e.g., briefly describe the involved queries / map-reduce-statements / manual data
manipulations you used for each data store
• I am not interested in code here, I am interested in how you interact with the data
– If you could not fully implement a service interface, discuss why that is
– Especially focus on how you think your system would behave when scaled to more
nodes and many users
• The description should also discuss your experience with the chosen data store
– What worked well? What did not? Is your chosen data store suitable for the task? If you
had to do the assignment again, what would you do differently? etc.


  • outline the data model
  • briefly describe how you implemented each of the service interfaces from a conceptual point of view
  • mention things that were impossible
  • discuss your experience


  • outline the data model
  • briefly describe how you implemented each of the service interfaces from a conceptual point of view
  • mention things that were impossible
  • discuss your experience


  • outline the data model
  • briefly describe how you implemented each of the service interfaces from a conceptual point of view
  • mention things that were impossible
  • discuss your experience