
Pb with update

pgille opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello !
First thank you for your soft.

With the last update there is a pb

I have this message

best regards

Well that didn't work. Check the MM logs for more details:

"success": false,
"status": "error",
"reason": "unknown",
"info": {
"task": {
"commands": [
"format": "utf-8"

Hey! So, as I can see, you're trying to download the update. Do you have git installed? Are you using the develop branch or the main one?

I use the software remote.html and i use the update menu : i don't choose anything : i leave the software doing the update

Thank you

Alright, just for you to know, the 2.2.0 broke the update menu, my fault. It's already fixed in the 2.2.1, but you'll have to clone it manually, or use the script included in the installation. Sorry for the inconvenience. Tell me if updating that way, you're not having issues with the fix I'm going to push soon. Cheers :D

How do you clone manually? i get this error when trying to clone:


First do git reset --hard, and then git pull. That should do the trick.
If not, delete the folder and inside modules use git clone

If not, delete the folder and inside modules use git clone
This work'd

I assume this is resolved!, If not, feel free to reopen or create another issue. Cheers! :D

Thank you