
timout error

antoinegv7 opened this issue · 1 comments

i've configured my module without any problems, i've added: address: "", and ipWhitelist: [], so as not to have any problem with the connection, and when putting (with my ip of course) i have either connection refused or timout error.

I have a problem

MagicMirror version?
How do you install MM?
MMM-Remote-Control version?
How do you install Remote Control?
Did you try using just Remote Control alone with MM?
If you did, were you able to reproduce the bug?


Steps to reproduce


Paste the log you're getting, and possibly the error, over here.

Please, be sure that none of your personal information, such as IP or passwords are exposed.


/* Paste here your config.js file.

Make sure that none of your personal data is present, specially check for:
- IPs from MM instance, or the ones that are whitelisted. Please, replace them with *** so we're totally sure that you have set them.
- API keys, Tokens from different modules, URL to private calendars.
- Directions or Personal data. */

Additional info

The router might be blocking you, if you insolate the devices, you won't be able to access. Try using localhost.

MM should show a message when it's blocking you, that's not up to Remote Control.

Please stick to the template for issues. Thanks