
p5.js quadrille library.

p5 functions


p5.js function that creates an empty or a filled quadrille.

  1. createQuadrille(width, height): creates an empty quadrille having width number of columns and height number of rows.
  2. createQuadrille(jagged_array): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the jagged_array items as source. Note that null array items represent empty quadrille cells.
  3. createQuadrille(array): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the array items as source. Note that null array items represent empty quadrille cells.
  4. createQuadrille(width, array): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking the array items as source up to width number of columns. Observe that (one or) several quadrille rows may be created to include all the array items. Note that null array items represent empty quadrille cells.
  5. createQuadrille(string): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking string as source. The resulting number of quadrille columns matches that of the string length.
  6. createQuadrille(width, string): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking string as source. Note that (one or) several quadrille rows may be created to include all the string characters.
  7. createQuadrille(width, image, [coherence]): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking image (either a p5.Image or a p5.Graphics) as source. The coherence boolean param defines whether or not the quadrille filling algorithm should use spatial coherence.
  8. createQuadrille(width, height, order, pattern): creates a quadrille and fills its cells using pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null) which is randomly repeated along the quadrille up to order number of times.
  9. createQuadrille(width, bitboard, pattern): creates a quadrille and fills its cells taking bitboard as source, using pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null) to represent 1 (or on) bits.


p5.js function that draws the quadrille at (x, y) screen position on the graphics (which is the main canvas by default), using the display parameter values.

drawQuadrille(quadrille, [{


  1. The default display parameter values are defined as TEXT_COLOR = 'white', TEXT_ZOOM = 0.89, OUTLINE = 'grey', OUTLINE_WEIGHT = 2 and CELL_LENGTH = 100.
  2. To display cells populated with an array or an object you should provide implementations of the arrayDisplay and objectDisplay functions, respectively. Provide your own display functions to override the defaults (e.g., to display the quadrille using a tiling different than the square).
  3. The display functions are parameterized as follows:
    • tileDisplay: {graphics: graphics, outline: outline, outlineWeight: outlineWeight, cellLength: cellLength, row: i, col: j}.
    • imageDisplay, colorDisplay, numberDisplay, arrayDisplay and objectDisplay: {graphics: graphics, cell: cell, outline: outline, outlineWeight: outlineWeight, cellLength: cellLength, row: i, col: j}.
    • stringDisplay: {graphics: graphics, cell: cell, textColor: textColor, textZoom: textZoom, outline: outline, outlineWeight: outlineWeight, cellLength: cellLength, row: i, col: j}.

Quadrille API

  1. memory2D: Array2D: quadrille memory read-write property.
  2. width Number: quadrille width read-write property.
  3. height Number: quadrille height read-write property.
  4. size Number: read-only property that retrieves the quadrille width times the quadrille height.
  5. order Number: read only property that retrieves the quadrille non-empty number of cells.


Conversion between representations

  1. from(image, [coherence=false]), from(bitboard, pattern): fills quadrille cells with given image or bitboard using pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null), respectively.
  2. toArray(): returns a row-major order array of the quadrille cells. The resulting array has quadrille.width * quadrille.height dimensions.
  3. toInt(): returns the integer representation of the quadrille filled cells using big-endian and row-major ordering.
  4. toMatrix(): returns a row-major order matrix of the quadrille cells. The resulting 2D array has quadrille.width * quadrille.height dimensions.

Geometry transformations

  1. reflect(); horizontal reflection of the quadrille cells.
  2. rotate(): π/2 clockwise rotation of the quadrille cells.
  3. transpose(): transposes the quadrille cells.


  1. clear(), clear(row), clear(row, col): clears quadrille cells. Either all quadrille cells, a given row or a cell, resp.
  2. clone(): returns a shallow copy of the quadrille.
  3. delete(row): deletes the given quadrille row.
  4. fill(pattern), fill(row, pattern), fill(row, col, pattern): fills quadrille cells with given pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null). Either current empty cells, a whole row, or a cell, respectively.
  5. insert(row): inserts an empty row into the quadrille.
  6. isEmpty(row, col): returns true if cell found at (row, col) is empty and false otherwise.
  7. magnitude(row): returns the number of non-empty cells of a given quadrille row.
  8. rand(order, pattern): fills the quadrille with pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null) up to order (number of repeations), randomly adding or removing cells as necessary.
  9. randomize(): randomly re-arranges the quadrille cells.
  10. read(row, col): returns the contents of the quadrille cell at (row, col). Returns undefined if the cell doesn't exist.
  11. replace(pattern), replace(pattern1, pattern2): either replaces non empty cells with pattern or searches pattern1 cell ocurrences and replaces them with pattern2, respectively. Both, pattern1 and pattern2 are any data type instances but undefined or null.
  12. ring(row, col, [dimension=1]): returns the ring of neighbor cells centered at (row, col) as a new quadrille.

Visual Computing

  1. colorize(color0, [color1=color0], [color2=color0], [color3=color0]): colorizes the quadrille according to upper-left corner color0, bottom-left corner color1, upper-right corner color2, and bottom-right corner color3 colors.
  2. colorizeTriangle(row0, col0, row1, col1, row2, col2, color0, [color1=color0], [color2=color0]): colorizes the triangle defined by vertices (vertex0=) (row0, col0), (vertex1=)(row1, col1), and (vertex2=)(row2, col2), using barycentric coordinates to interpolate color0, color1 and color2. Implemented as:
    colorizeTriangle(row0, col0, row1, col1, row2, col2, color0, color1=color0, color2=color0) {
        row0, col0, row1, col1, row2, col2,
        ({ pattern: xyza }) => color(xyza), // fragment shader colorizes (row0, col0), (row1, col1), (row2, col2) triangle
        // vertex attributes to be interpolated (each encoded as an array):
        [red(color0), green(color0), blue(color0), alpha(color0)], // vertex0 color
        [red(color1), green(color1), blue(color1), alpha(color1)], // vertex1 color
        [red(color2), green(color2), blue(color2), alpha(color2)] // vertex2 color
  3. filter(mask, [row=0, col=0]): applies convolution mask filter either to the whole quadrille or at specific (row, col) cell.
  4. sort([{[mode='LUMA'], [target='magenta'], [ascending=true], [textColor='black'], [textZoom=Quadrille.TEXT_ZOOM], [background=Quadrille.BACKGROUND], [cellLength=this.width], [numberColor=Quadrille.numberColor], [min=0], [max=0]}]): sorts quadrille cells according to their coloring. Note that the BACKGROUND param is black, mode is either 'LUMA', 'AVG', or 'DISTANCE', target is a p5.Color instance and ascending is a boolean. Remaining params defined as within the drawQuadrille function.
  5. rasterize(shader, pattern0, [pattern1=pattern0], [pattern2=pattern0], [pattern3=pattern0]): rasterizes the quadrille according to upper-left corner vertex pattern0, bottom-left corner vertex pattern1, upper-right corner vertex pattern2, and bottom-right corner vertex pattern3, using (fragment) shader.
  6. rasterizeTriangle(row0, col0, row1, col1, row2, col2, shader, pattern0, [pattern1=pattern0], [pattern2=pattern0]): rasterizes the triangle defined by vertices (row0, col0), (row1, col1), and (row2, col2), using barycentric coordinates. The user provided software rendered (fragment) shader is a function parameterized with the object literal { pattern: interpolated_data_array, row: i, col: j } and that should return a p5.Color.

Static boolean operators

The following operators are inspired by CSG as a high-level quadrille modelling technique.

  1. Quadrille.AND(quadrille1, quadrille2, [row=0], [col=0]): returns the quadrille obtained from the intersection of the two given quadrilles.
  2. Quadrille.DIFF(quadrille1, quadrille2, [row=0], [col=0]): returns the quadrille obtained from the difference of the two given quadrilles.
  3. Quadrille.NEG(quadrille, pattern): returns the quadrille obtained from clearing the quadrille filled cells and filling its empty cells with pattern (any data type instance but undefined or null).
  4. Quadrille.OP(quadrille1, quadrille2, operator, [row=0], [col=0]): returns the quadrille obtained after applying the given logical operator between the two given quadrilles. This method is useful to implement the other high-level logical operators. For instance the AND operator is implemented as follows:
    static AND(quadrille1, quadrille2, row=0, col=0) {
      return this.OP(quadrille1, quadrille2,
        (q1, q2) => {
          if (q1 && q2) {
            return q1;
        row, col);
  5. Quadrille.OR(quadrille1, quadrille2, [row=0], [col=0]): returns the quadrille obtained from the union of the two given quadrilles.
  6. Quadrille.XOR(quadrille1, quadrille2, [row=0], [col=0]): returns the quadrille obtained from the intersection minus the union of the two given quadrilles.


Link the p5.quadrille.js library into your HTML file, after you have linked in p5.js. For example:

<!doctype html>
  <script src="p5.js"></script>
  <script src="p5.sound.js"></script>
  <script src=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/objetos/p5.quadrille.js/p5.quadrille.js></script>
  <script src="sketch.js"></script>

to include its minified version use:

<script src=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/objetos/p5.quadrille.js/p5.quadrille.min.js></script>


vs-code & vs-codium & gitpod hacking instructions

To run and hack the demo:

  1. Clone the repo (git clone https://github.com/objetos/p5.quadrille.js) and open it with your favorite editor.
  2. Install the p5-vscode extension.
  3. Head over demo/index.html and press your editor Go Live button.