
Missing required attributes Key: 'Config.Orgs' Error:Field validation for 'Orgs' failed on the 'required' tag

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Issue Description

I wanted to login to AWS using the "aws-sso-creds" command but it's throwing an error:
Missing required attributes Key: 'Config.Orgs' Error:Field validation for 'Orgs' failed on the 'required' tag


Steps to Reproduce

$ go install [](
$ export AWS_SSO_REGION="us-west-2"
$ export AWS_SSO_START_URL=""
  1. $ aws-sso-creds
  2. Error showing on termial

Expected Behavior

I was expecting for the script to give me a url or something to log in into AWS profile in order to get the SSO creds.


  • Operating System: Windows 11 (it also happened in Ubuntu 23.04)
  • Go Version: go version go1.20.3 windows/amd64
  • Code/Project Version: 1.0.5

I had to use the Code/Project Version: 1.0.3 package in order to make it.