
[QUESTION] Version difference on atmospherejs website

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dispbd commented

In CHANGELOG, the latest version of vite-bundler is listed as 1.1.3, but on the atmospherejs the version is lower.

I understand correctly that changes are published with a delay in the atmosphere? Is that how it should be? Or are there manual publications at all?

dispbd commented

Whenever possible, turn on the labels. ๐Ÿ˜…

You mean issue labels? Can't seem to find any settings for it ๐Ÿ™ˆ

The version available on GitHub can be one version ahead of what's available on npm/Atmosphere. I'm using changesets to manage versions for the packages. So the latest version could be published or still in development. If it is a pending release, there should be a "Version Packages" pull request active in the repository. Once it's merged, the changes are published to npm/Atmosphere.

Just went ahead and published the last update in case there were some important fixes there. ๐Ÿ˜„

dispbd commented

You can probably enable them in the labels section.

The problem with this is that in npm the version is available as soon as you release it, but in atmospherejs the version is old (and still 1.1.1). Naturally, because of this mismatch, launch errors appear. To avoid this, you always have to manually copy the vite-bundler folder, which is not very convenient.
Is it possible to make a new version appear as quickly in atmospherejs as in npm?
Or is it not up to you? I'm sorry, I just didn't understand very well ๐Ÿ˜…

Oh, I'm so sorry. Looks like the workflow for publishing packages to Atmosphere was silently failing due to some missing types. Just shipped a fix and the latest version should be up in a few moments. ๐Ÿ™

dispbd commented

Thanks for your work!