
To generate hashes for this number of chunks (currently 64), you need a minimum hash size of 7, received 6. Check the "output.chunkFileNames" option.

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By using --production option, I had this error:

To generate hashes for this number of chunks (currently 64), you need a minimum hash size of 7, received 6. Check the "output.chunkFileNames" option.

I tried to add inside the vite.config.ts the following:
build: { rollupOptions: { output: { chunkFileNames: [name]-[hash:7].js, format: 'esm' } } },

without success.

I have modified into the npm-packages/meteor-vite/src/meteor/IPC/methods/build.ts file (line 118), chunkFileNames: '[name]-[hash:6].js', by chunkFileNames: '[name]-[hash:7].js', and it works.

Oops sorry for that! Shipped a bad patch release a few days ago. A fix is underway. 🙏