
Bundling .jar file error on execution

JC-ProgJava opened this issue · 6 comments

"Unable to load Java Runtime Environment" dialog shows on execution of .app created.

riina commented

Check #39 and #43 for solutions. If you’re able to use JDK 14, jpackage can be better for fully isolated .app images.

Can you provide a link to jpackage? I got the same issue as @JC-ProgJava

It's provided in JDK 14

I am currently using OpenJDK-provided JDK 14 and am still having the same error.

Below is how I executed and output given.
Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 9 28 06 AM
Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 9 28 31 AM

JavaAppLauncher won’t work at all beyond JDK/JRE 8. Try universalJavaApplicationStub and -x.