Confusion in evaluation.

Hrren opened this issue · 2 comments

Hrren commented

Thanks for the nice paper,I have learnt a lot.

But at percent , I still cannot reproduce the result , I use the checkpoint form \owod_backup\models_backup\t1_clustering_with_save\model_final.pth
\owod_backup\models_backup\t2_ft\model_final.pth which from the
and .
When I run the test command
python tools/ --num-gpus 1 --eval-only --config-file ./configs/OWOD/t1/t1_test.yaml SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 1 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.005 OUTPUT_DIR "./output/t1_final" MODEL.WEIGHTS "/home/appuser/OWOD/output/t1/model_final.pth"
python tools/ --num-gpus 1 --eval-only --config-file ./configs/OWOD/t2/t2_test.yaml SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 1 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.005 OUTPUT_DIR "./output/t2_final" MODEL.WEIGHTS "/home/appuser/OWOD/output/t1/model_final_t2.pth"
the results are like this:
unknown AP 50 ; unknown Precision50 and Unknown Recall50 are all under 5%
Why dose it happen , and where is it wrong ?

Hi @Hrren : You can not fitting the Weibull distribution, nor using it while evaluation. Please follow

Reopen if issue persists. Thanks!

Hrren commented

Thank you for your reply @JosephKJ
Here are two questions I still in trouble:
When I finish task2 training, is the model_final.pth in t2_final works better than that in t2_ft? I use the model_final.pth in these two folders , and the test result is different, why this happen?
WI in paper refers to the "Wilderness Impact:{0.8:{50:xxxxxx}}" or others?