
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'object' of undefined

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Circle.js:80 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'object' of undefined
at Object../node_modules/react-here-maps/dist/Circle.js (Circle.js:80)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:785)
at fn (bootstrap:150)
at Object../node_modules/react-here-maps/dist/main.js (main.js:7)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:785)
at fn (bootstrap:150)
at Module../src/App.js (index.css:4)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:785)
at fn (bootstrap:150)
at Module../src/index.js (index.css?e32c:37)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:785)
at fn (bootstrap:150)
at Object.0 (serviceWorker.js:135)
at webpack_require (bootstrap:785)
at checkDeferredModules (bootstrap:45)
at Array.webpackJsonpCallback [as push] (bootstrap:32)
at main.chunk.js:1