Sublime text 2 settings for Windows?
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Windows doesn't seem to support RBENV and Ruby is installed in C://Ruby193 in my case. How do I go about configuring Seeing is Believing on Windows using the settings?
I don't know much about windows, but if it's anything like unix, you can put "C://Ruby193" as the value of "ruby_command" ( This is to tell Sublime how to invoke your Ruby, which changes for each environment.
That might not be enough, though. I added a flag to the lib that doesn't look like I set here, it's "--shebang", you will probably need to set it for that, too (it goes with the other flags).
Please also make sure that seeing is believing just works in general by invoking it from the command line against some Ruby file that you've written. I ask for this b/c I have only been able to test it a long time ago in a VM, so I'm not 100% sure it even works on Windows (shitty, I know, but I don't have access to a Windows machine). If SiB itself doesn't work on Windows, then this isn't going to matter, so verify that first.