
RCON Stats not exported with 1.16.1

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm running 1.16.1 Paper and I'm getting all the usual stats except the RCON ones.
RCON seems to connect fine since I don't get any errors in the logs.

is the player_online metric working for you?
the tps metrics are only working on forge servers right now, because the use forge tps

All of these aren't working:

I've just tested with git-Paper-157 (MC: 1.16.2) (Implementing API version 1.16.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
the player_online metric is working there:

[16:53:40 INFO]: There are 0 of a max of 20 players online:
[16:55:20 INFO]: UUID of player Joshi425 is 019b5483-787e-4386-9f1c-b2e3f86b7a3f
[16:55:20 INFO]: Joshi425 joined the game
[16:55:20 INFO]: Joshi425[/] logged in with entity id 305 at ([world]237.5, 71.0, 179.5)
> list
[16:56:39 INFO]: There are 1 of a max of 20 players online: Joshi425
root@test:~# curl -s localhost:8000/metrics |grep player_online
# HELP player_online_total is 1 if player is online
# TYPE player_online_total counter
player_online{player="Joshi425"} 1.0

the other metrics are only supported on forge servers, since they use the command forge tps to get the tps information for each dimension.
Paper has a tps command, I will look into if I can implement that in the exporter

Well then it seems to be some other issue on my end.

I'm going to close the issue for now and I'll post an update if I locate the problem.