[GCD] Understand galaxy cluster science
Closed this issue · 1 comments
estimate 6
remaining 2020-09-08 6
remaining 2020-09-16 3
remaining 2020-09-27 0
Life cycle
@MGJvanGroeningen Please read this review https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019SSRv..215...16V/abstract
I recommend skimming it first. Read quickly and don't necessarily take in everything. Then by the end, you'll have a fair idea of what everything is about. Then go back and find the points you want more clarification. Typically I'll put a note when skimming if it's an interesting part I want to read again, and otherwise read as fast as possible. Also, on second read you should make note of the references that relate to your project and specifically the ICM (it's state, dynamics, lifecycle). You'll follow those links next :) Don't forget to save useful articles to your ads library.