
Audio download gets throttled to 31 KB/s when the download is done with the URL for Itag = 140

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I am testing pytubefix and I am facing the same issue existing at pytube 15.0.0.

If I extract the URL to download the audio (ITAG = 140) to download the media with my browser, the download speed gets throttled by Youtube to 31 KB/s.
The problem does not happen to download videos (ITAG = 22).

Here is the code to test the issue:

from pytubefix import YouTube    # https://pypi.org/project/pytubefix/

video_link = f'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FX4jVAL1eg'
yt = YouTube(video_link)
title = yt.title
description = yt.description
duration = yt.length
thumbnail = yt.thumbnail_url

print(f'Video:       {video_link}')
print(f'Title:       {title}')
print(f'Duration     {duration} seconds')
print(f'Thumbnail:   {thumbnail}')
print(f'Description: {description}')
ITAG = 22
link = yt.streams.get_by_itag(ITAG).url
print(f'link to download with the browser (itag = {ITAG}): \n{link}')

ITAG = 140
link = yt.streams.get_by_itag(ITAG).url
print(f'\n\nlink to download with the browser (itag = {ITAG}): \n{link}')

The code will generate two links to download.
Click the links and observe the download speed for both cases.

Any idea on how to fix?

I think I may have found a workaround, and it's really easy:
You have to specify a range parameter at the end of the URL provided by pytubefix.

I honestly have no idea why it works, but it works.

the URL provided by this script worked for me and the download speed was back to normal:

from pytubefix import YouTube

yt = YouTube(

url = yt.streams.get_by_itag(140).url


Thank you for the hint, @andrebore04 !

I am testing and for me it requests to go to a page and enter a code, and then requires login + password for a google account.
That is something that does not works for my needs.
I guess the same is happening for you, right?

And if I remove the auth code use_oauth=True, allow_oauth_cache=True from the Youtube object, then it gets throttled even with the &range=0-999999999999 at the end of the URL.
