
Bug in StreamQuery object

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi, i've installed pytubefix 5.1.2 and compared to the release of a couple of weeks ago StreamQuery object have serious problem as it keep CPU at max usage for lots of seconds on every video when i ask to filter a stream. You can verify this in the following example tested on my pc with python 3.12.3 installed and on repl.it with the same problem executing the line vd = yt.streams when the library extract streams. Thank you for support.

from pytubefix import YouTube

videos = ('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7nQV6kOTlI',

def on_progress(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining):
   size = stream.filesize
   print(f'\r{(size - bytes_remaining)/size*100:.1f}%', end='')

for video in videos:
   yt = YouTube(video)
   vd = yt.streams
   vd = vd.filter(resolution='360p', progressive=True)
   vd = vd.first()
   # vd.download()
   print('\r' + yt.title)

I have this issues too, when use yt.streams.filter , script will be stop for +10 seconds and that weird.

I am also having freezing for over 30 seconds. I could not investigate too much, but seems is happening while getting the video duration and/or downloading audio (itag=140).

I would like you to test this PR.

Test version available pytubefix==5.2rc1

Also yt.views didn't exist on result of yt = YouTube(URL) in pytubefix, but in pytube it's Ok and show count of views for video.

try pytubefix==5.2rc1

hi, i have read the code changes in pytubefix 5.2 but i am unable to grasp what was the problem that cause the cpu usable limit during streams fetching. can you kindly explain short? thanks a lot.

Hi @Angel756984, After the ANDROID client became unstable, we switched to WEB, but WEB-based clients need to decrypt two parameters in each stream #63, and this can be a bit costly, so we added the Android test client, which so far is working well.

I am testing Pytubefix 5.2 for a couple of hours and this is my feedback.

With the previous web-based client (Pytubefix 5.1x) the CPU of my system was frequently at 100% and having frequent crashes because of gunicorn processes not responding for more than 30 seconds; in some periods, one crash per minute.

With the new Android client on Pytubefix 5.2 the CPU never goes above 30%, and the system has no more crashes. So far I did not detected issues with the new Android client.

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