
Content not available (again)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It looks like Google/YouTube is blocking video downloads again. Do we need to spoof the requesting device maybe? I'm sure it's related to them only allowing the latest versions of their apps to load videos since they've been recently blocking access on older versions on Android.


Download of audio with itag = 140 is normal at my ending, with Pytubefix 5.2.0

It looks like Google/YouTube is blocking video downloads again. Do we need to spoof the requesting device maybe? I'm sure it's related to them only allowing the latest versions of their apps to load videos since they've been recently blocking access on older versions on Android.


which version of pytubefix?

Nevermind! Sorry about that. I thought I had upgraded to the latest version but I was still running the older 4.0 version. Everything is working great now, thanks :)