
Installation issue: Invalid version Kibana

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am installing this plugin and have tried two versions of Kibana so far. Both of them ended with the same error which seems to be very confusing. I tried Kibana-5.0.0 and Kibana-5.0.1
The error that I got is:

npm WARN Invalid version: "kibana"
npm WARN area3d_vis No description
npm WARN area3d_vis No repository field.
npm WARN area3d_vis No README data
npm WARN area3d_vis No license field.

Hey @prateekpg2455. Just change the value of the "version" tag on the package.json to your Kibana version and you're done.

hey @virusu @prateekpg2455 , i have the same probleme
the error that i git is:
npm WARN kibana@5.4.0 No license field.
and i have same value of the "version" on the package.json with my Kibana version .
and it's not working !