
ValueError: --enable-zlib requested but zlib not found, aborting.

jamierocks opened this issue · 6 comments


• System Information: Model: Mac Mini (Late 2014) 
• CPU: Intel Core i5-4278U (4 Threads, 2 Cores) @ 2.60 GHz 
• Memory: 8.00 GB • Uptime: 5 hours • Disk Space: 998.98 GB 
• Graphics: Intel Iris 
• Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080 
• OS: OS X El Capitan (Version 10.11.1, Build 15B42)


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just searched this up, try running xcode-select --install and then installing

Thanks, trying that out :)

Not the same issue, but I get https://gist.github.com/jamierocks/dc5908ff01c013a27871 when legofying an image.

@jamierocks oh I didnt see this reply, its probably a problem with out of date dependencies, I'll look it up

Awesome, thanks :)