
can't access to the site anymore

openffchrome opened this issue · 5 comments

did you changed something recently? i can't access to the site from my pc but it's working on my mobile

same here, doesn't work on firefox but works on phone. error console shows this:

Zablokowano żądanie do zasobu innego pochodzenia: zasady „Same Origin Policy” nie pozwalają wczytywać zdalnych zasobów z „https://elastic.pushshift.io/rc/comments/_search?source={%22query%22:{%22match%22:{%22link_id%22:46071701}},%22size%22:20000,%22_source%22:[%22author%22,%22body%22,%22created_utc%22,%22parent_id%22,%22score%22,%22subreddit%22,%22link_id%22]}” (brakujący nagłówek CORS „Access-Control-Allow-Origin”).

Zablokowano żądanie do zasobu innego pochodzenia: zasady „Same Origin Policy” nie pozwalają wczytywać zdalnych zasobów z „https://elastic.pushshift.io/rs/submissions/_search?source={%22query%22:{%22term%22:{%22id%22:46071701}}}” (brakujący nagłówek CORS „Access-Control-Allow-Origin”).

Error: Could not get removed post

something with same origin policy breaks it? it worked fine few months ago so i don't know why it doesn't now

For firefox, you might need to add an exception by clicking the icons next to the URL. Nothing has changed in the removeddit code recently, so it is probably an issue with the browser.

Also, fyi there is a fork of removeddit running on revddit.com with user pages, hot/new subreddit pages, and more filter/sort options.

What worked for me is to whitelist the site on both the ublock AND Disconnect extensions.

@rhaksw Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I don't get the "Turn off blocking" button for some odd reason. But I'm glad it works now. :)

Doesn't work for me today

Doesn't work for me today

Yeah the whole site is down today for some reason.