Convert between HJD <-> BJD?
icweaver opened this issue · 2 comments
icweaver commented
Awesome package, thanks for all of your work! I am slowly migrating some routines in Python over to Julia and was wondering if there was already a way to convert between HJD <-> BJD, similarly to the astropy snippet I found here?
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
def helio_to_bary(coords, hjd, obs_name):
helio = Time(hjd, scale='utc', format='jd')
obs = EarthLocation.of_site(obs_name)
star = SkyCoord(coords, unit=(u.hour, u.deg))
ltt = helio.light_travel_time(star, 'heliocentric', location=obs)
guess = helio - ltt
# if we assume guess is correct - how far is heliocentric time away from true value?
delta = (guess + guess.light_travel_time(star, 'heliocentric', obs)).jd - helio.jd
# apply this correction
guess -= delta * u.d
ltt = guess.light_travel_time(star, 'barycentric', obs)
return guess.tdb + ltt
def bary_to_helio(coords, bjd, obs_name):
bary = Time(bjd, scale='tdb', format='jd')
obs = EarthLocation.of_site(obs_name)
star = SkyCoord(coords, unit=(u.hour, u.deg))
ltt = bary.light_travel_time(star, 'barycentric', location=obs)
guess = bary - ltt
delta = (guess + guess.light_travel_time(star, 'barycentric', obs)).jd - bary.jd
guess -= delta * u.d
ltt = guess.light_travel_time(star, 'heliocentric', obs)
return guess.utc + ltt
which for example would return something like this:
> helio_to_bary("1:12:43.2 +31:12:43", 2457681.00027, "CTIO")
<Time object: scale='tdb' format='jd' value=2457681.0010844585>
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this!
helgee commented
This is the right place for your question 👍
AstroTime.jl alone will probably never support this because we need an ephemeris for the conversion. AstroBase.jl however could...
Shall I transfer the issue over there?
icweaver commented
Ah, ok. That would be great, thanks!